How to enjoy the most out of night driving in Dubai?

How to enjoy the most out of night driving in Dubai?

A dangerous idea of its own, driving at night is surely not designed for the light-hearted. With a rise in the vulnerability to collisions and other misfortunes, when driving at night, one needs to be exceedingly cautious. Before and until he or she is aware of the dangers involved, a novice driver can never go on a night-drive. Many people are involved in travelling at night, as there is fewer traffic at this period. But what they don’t know is that diminished night visibility will lead to an inability to accurately determine distance and time. This is just one of the many challenges you might be having.

1. Know the Difference

Driving at night can contribute to an inability to properly judge distance. This will pave the way for tailgating, in exchange. Tailgating is a crime and has been the cause of many deaths in the UAE in the last few years. We may not worry enough over the need to keep a healthy distance when travelling in the night with other cars. Holding a good distance will allow you to get more control of your car if there is a problem.

2. Hang awake

Late-night travel is dangerous and not easy at all times. Therefore, falling asleep is a big challenge that you would have to tackle while driving at night to minimise the increased chance of collisions. When you’re embarking late at night on a road trip, make sure your body is thoroughly recovered and new to travel until the morning.

3. It’s not nice to over-dazzle,

Don’t dazzle more than enough is one of the key safety guidelines for driving in the dark. When driving over uninhabited roads, it is important to drive with a high beam on. If you see someone coming towards you, though, dim the light so that an accident does not happen.

4. Get a Visionary assistance

You will fog up your vision with dirty windshields and decrease your visibility. Mist, dust and foggy atmosphere will create severe deposits in the windshield, especially during the night, that will impede your vision. Before going for a night-time trip, make sure you clean and dry your windshield.

5. Eye-care is appropriate

Have your eyes tested every once and a while, so you know that when you’re driving, you can see well. If there’s some fault with your vision, fix the issue immediately. If possible, use contact lenses / shades. Make sure that your vision is safe enough for late-night driving, especially when you are driving at night. Get in touch with the most competent Ford service center for more info. BMW engine repair and development services are also available from the leading professionals.